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No it is not Ozzie day it is Australia Day and Mr Adam Goodes is not the Ozzie of the year, Mr Adam Goodes is Australian of the Year. Yet another inept cultural insensitive comment. HIstory show that

Much as I love the snow based discussion here, I think I am going to take a little holiday.   Online or not, the members here are human beings. I wouldn't treat any of you the way you post if we we

Hate is hate. Hate begets hate. Don't condone any of it - in either direction.   Personally, I'll be spending Australia Day with a large group through our sporting club. Kids from the other side o

  On 1/26/2014 at 6:56 AM, pie-eater said:
  On 1/26/2014 at 6:52 AM, seemore said:
  On 1/26/2014 at 6:51 AM, pie-eater said:

Not trying to be funny at all.

So why make that coment then?


An observation.


Is that allowed?

So you made a statement based on your limited knowledge of where I come from to offend me as weren't doing it for fun why would you do that?

No I don't think that should be allowed

Should we just go to every post and hang shit on people because you think you are better than them?

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I don't think I'm 'better than you'.

I don't know you.

Though I do know that for some reason you posted that comment about the nation of Uganda, which does actually tell me something.

Anyway, my comments were not particularly directed at you personally. You just took them that way for some reason.

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pie-eater always claims that his comments aren't personal when of course they are. He's a fcucking little coward. I'll be in Japan in a few weeks pie. How about we meet up?

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Oh dear, go native is on the case. :veryshocked:


I'm bricking it now!


No doubt SJ-David is going to get a crybaby mail, and I'm going to get a dirty mouthful of expletives from him personally. Yikes. Well hard! If he tells me I probably have a little willy again....




But back to the point. General observation, not personal. Take it personal if you like.

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What does....


'F#%$ Uganda'


...tell me about you?

I would have thought that were fairly obvious.

I know I wouldn't say that, for one.


What was my comment 'bringing to the conversation'? Well, if that wasn't obvious too, something along the lines of most people think that the place they come from is 'great' (for want of a better word). Pride, nationalism, that kind of thing.


By the way, what do you think you are 'bringing to the conversation" with all your 'rusutsu is rubbish' comments. Misleading people? Just being selfish? Not that it matters anyway, you can post what you like.

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Ah so I see, you know all that about me now?



Apart from the constant threat of extreme violence for one other really scary member here, I lead a very contented life, thank you.


The only thing I like to 'put down' (not my choice of words) I suppose, is silliness. Not people. Or entire nations.

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Can't admit to knowing what Australia Day is celebrating in detail, but.... happy Australia Day if that means something to you!



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I left oz in 2002, we all have our own paths to follow, the hateful comments don't achieve anything. Out of interest, I'm in niigata as I write, blowing a blizzard for the last 12 hours, tomorrow looks good.


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